Shoji Ueta
Research Topics
The structure of surface H2O layers of terrestrial planets
Erosion of water on Earth by impacts of small planetary bodies
Formation of ice giant systems via giant impacts
Numerical simulation of debris flows using SPH
Shoji Ueta and Takanori Sasaki, “The structure of surface H2O layers of ice-covered planets with high-pressure ice”, The Astrophysical Journal 775, 96 (2013)
Shoji Ueta and Takanori Sasaki, “The Structures of Surface H2O Layers of Ice-Covered Planets with High-Pressure Ice”, Protostars and Planets VI, Heidelberg, July 15-20, 2013. #2K075
Shoji Ueta and Takanori Sasaki, “Conditions of Surface H_2O of Snowball Planets with High-Pressure Ice”, International Astrobiology Workshop 2013, Proceedings, LPI Contribution No. 1766